Monday, January 23, 2017


Hey guys!

Well, this week has been truly fantastic.  Numbers-wise, in general, it has been my best week on my mission so far!  We were able to set five baptismal dates, got seven new investigators, and got 23 new potential investigators throughout the week.  Honestly, it's crazy.  I guess all I can say is that I am very grateful to see the work paying off.  One of our baptismal candidates came to church yesterday, too, along with one of our other progressive investigators!  Now, the name of the game is maintaining all these people.  I AM GOING TO MAKE SURE THESE PEOPLE MAKE IT IN THE WATERS.  I'M NOT LETTING THEM GO THIS TIME!  I'm happy--no, ecstatic--right now that we have people who have desire to be baptized, don't get me wrong, but I will be hoping and praying and fasting and working and doing my best to teach and calling to make sure we can get those desires fulfilled.  Now the work begins!

I'll spend a hefty amount of writing now describing how awesome these people are.  Most of them are brand new investigators, though.  But, here I go.

The first person, or pair of persons (???), I'll write about is Emmanuel.  I met him and his friend, Zack, on the street one time while we were contacting.  We shared with him what we were doing and exchanged telephone numbers, then scheduled an appointment within a few weeks.  Unfortunately, I wasn't actually there for the first lesson with the two of them as I was on a split in Grafenwöhr, but I got a wonderful phone call after the lesson saying that they had both agreed to be baptized on the 25th of February.  Since then, I've met with Emmanuel, and I can say that it truly seems that he has real intent.  We taught The Plan of Salvation to him, and he said that it was a "huge relief" (and also that this sounded a lot better than the concept of "hell-fire").  He has promised to read the Book of Mormon, and naturally pray about it, too, and he came to church the next day!  Even though he only speaks English, and we have a small German branch, I think he enjoyed it, and we have another appointment with him scheduled for this evening!

Next, we have Bravedo!  He is a student at the university in Bayreuth and we found him while street contacting with our Assistant to the President a little bit ago.  Bravedo is a super cool guy and really clicked on each part of the lesson.  We emphasized the apostasy with him and asked if he has ever wondered why there are so many differing Christian churches, and he started laughing and said "SO MANY TIMES!"  We then, of course, presented God's response to this through The Restoration of the Gospel through Joseph Smith.  Even though no tears were shed by him, I felt that he was touched by the message, and he told us that this brings him joy to know, and that he would be baptized in the 25th of February as well.  We will be working with him closely to get him ready, and he actually suggested that to us before we did to him.  I think he is promising!

Next, we have Favour.  We found her also while street contacting with the Assistant to the President, and then met with her on Saturday.  We taught The Restoration and she expressed to us beforehand that she has, as of late, felt distant from God.  She said she would like to restore that relationship, and we told her that this is kind of the greatest way to do it.  We promised her that by keeping commitments that we extend, and especially through reading the Book of Mormon, she will feel an increase of God's love in her life, which would be further increased by eventual baptism--which she agreed to for February 25th as well.

And finally, we have Markus: The Only German Speaking Man Out of Them.  This was an interesting lesson.  He says he grew up as a Catholic but also drifted away because of the teachings.  He is a scientist apparently and kept speaking about "absolute nothingness" versus "nothingness", parallel universes, antimatter, light versus anti-light, and so forth, and managed to tie one of these in with every point of the first lesson.  We did what we could and taught him throughout, then extended our testimony and commitment of reading the Book of Mormon to him.  He accepted.  We asked him if he would have anything against being baptized in our church if he found out it was true, and he said that "[he] already know[s]".  He agreed to be baptized on April 1st (there is a joke in there somewhere).  We'll have to make sure we go over a few things soon, just to make sure he knows what baptism would entail and mean for his life, but anyways, he's a possibility.

That's all of them.  Most of these people seems like they really do believe, or have the desire to believe at the very least.  I really believe that they can and will be ready through their own efforts and our contributions on the way.  But, at the end of the day, we will remember that the choice lies within them!  We can only help to provide the means to gain faith, and push them to receive it.

I just really hope these great people can turn into converted members of the branch here!  They could do so much good here!  One of the things I like about the small-branch dynamic is that there will be a lot more responsibility there, both for us to work hard to strengthen it, and for the converts to immediately feel needed in it.  Also, even though only one speaks German, we are working to...uh haha, teach them become better integrated with the ward.  

Shoot.  I have a lot to write about but I don't want to make you guys keep your eyes on the screen for this long.  Because reading on screens is the WORST.  Who invented Kindles, anyways?  I'm trying to crack a joke here but I am mentally exhausted.

Okay, one last thing.  In an effort to practice teaching in companionship Study better, and more enjoyably, we have created fictional investigators. We're currently teaching a man named Eric.  He comes from Norway and is a Viking who fights dragons.  He's hard to contact because he is at sea so much, but our lessons with him so far have been pretty interesting.  He has a lot of odd beliefs but we're hoping to help him out.  We will keep you updated on his progress.

That's all I have for you guys!  Please pray for our wonderful investigators so we can help them in the waters!

Elder Wallentine 

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