Thursday, February 23, 2017


Hey folks!
This week has definitely had its ups and downs.  We met with Emmanuel last Friday and talked to him a little bit about his baptism.  We found out that his living situation for the time being will not permit him to be baptized.  My heart was pretty broken for a bit, but things could be a lot worse! He didn't tell us he wanted to stop investigating, and on the contrary, has shown that he is willing to sacrifice to meet qualifications for baptism. We've invited him to fasting and he HAS been doing it since, as well as has been praying to be enabled for baptism.  I truly am confident we can help his situation change.  We read in 1 Nephi chapter 3 that the Lord will not give any person a commandment, save he shall provide a way that they may accomplish the thing which he has commanded them to do.  Baptism is a commandment. Emmanuel has faith necessary and has repented to meet those requirements. We prayed with him yesterday and I asked for a miracle to be performed, and I got a powerfully peaceful feeling from the spirit that things will work out.  I know that this experience will prove to test and ultimately strengthen Emmanuel's faith, and we will find something out. Whether he is baptized while I'm here or not, is unknown and irrelevant to me at this point, but I am continuing to hope and pray and fast that we can see a miracle.
Bravedo is progressing beautifully, but says he doesn't quite feel ready for baptism on the 25th. We will have to reschedule it to March most likely. But I am confident he will also be brought into the waters.
In other news, we are continuing to work diligently to find potentials. Even if I end this transfer without baptisms, I think that I will be satisfied with what I've done. We have spent many miles on our shoes solely street contacting and tearing things up in that department. I'm actually starting to think that people have started to recognize us more and more. We got kicked off a bus the other day because the driver told us that we were, not his exact words, but essentially proselyting too much when we would ride from our apartment to the train station. Couldn't help but feel a little proud of that. Also a bummer that we can't contact on the 303 bus to Seulblitz anymore.
Oh, right, and I turn 19 tomorrow, which is a little odd. It's weird to be beginning the year where none of you will actually know what I am like from first-hand encounters. You guys will never see the 19 year old me in person. As far as you are concerned, I will be jumping straight to 20 when I come home. Anyways, though, I hope that I can be a better person at the end of this year or my life than right now. I don't know what personality changes await me. But hey, if there is anything to be happy about, at least I'm not the 14 year old me, because he was the WORST (just kidding [am I, though?]).
I am continuing to read away at the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants.  Really interesting readings from the D&C now.  In section 101, we read the revelation which concerned major persecution to the members of the church in Missouri.  The Lord gave the members a very bold commandment, that they should react peacefully to the increasingly costly persecutions (located in section 98) by those who opposed the church.  The Lord then speaks later in S.101 about lawfully dealing with the persecution and upholding the law or the land, or in this case, the Constitution:

76 And again I say unto you, those who have been scattered by their enemies, it is my will that they should continue to importune for redress, and redemption, by the hands of those who are placed as rulers and are in authority over you--
77 According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles;
78 That every man may act in doctrine and principle pertaining to futurity, according to the moral agency which I have given unto him, that every man may be accountable for his own sins in the day of judgment.
79 Therefore, it is not right that any man should be in bondage one to another.
80 And for this purpose have I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood.
Short rant about the founding fathers, first:
I've written about this in the past, but it fills my spirit with joy when I read and study about the foundations of the U.S..  Without a doubt, the hand of the Lord was present all throughout it.  Even though the Saints experienced fierce persecution, even to the driving of them westward at the expense of thousands of lives, I can say without a doubt that Thomas Jefferson and other founders were inspired men who were sent to earth by God at a time they were needed, that they were sent with the divine purpose of establishing a free nation that would foster an environment where the restored church and gospel could be planted.  It is clear that the Lord did not spare much time after the establishment of the U.S. as a sovereign republic that He sent Joseph Smith to be born in 1805 to restore His church 25 years later. 
Reading about the persecution that occurred after the church's establishment certainly solidifies this idea that the Lord established His church as soon as it was possible. As soon as it was easy? No. But in the country that allowed religious freedom, regardless of lawless men within who were lead by Satan to attempt and thwart God's Plan, the soil was just swell enough to plant the seeds of the restored gospel, and the gospel spreads ever-larger today.
I am simply grateful to be a citizen of a nation that has a divinely-inspired Constitution that allows all men who live within to exercise that fundamental gift of agency that has been given in our eternal conditions.
Anywho.  I appreciate the very kindhearted birthday wishes I have received.  Thank you for the prayers and support.  Love you all.
Elder Wallentine

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Hey guys!

This week has been good!  We had our baptismal interview with Emmanuel on Wednesday, and he is on track to be baptized in the 25th.  There are a few concerns that we have that could potentially delay it, but for now, he will make it if he keeps doing what he is doing!  I am EXCITED, but increasingly nervous that Satan is going to try and throw things in the way as a "final gambit".  Through fasting and prayer, though, I am confident that we can get him baptized.  We met with Bravedo last weekend and he explained to us that he does believe that the Book of Mormon is true but he is hoping to have a little more time to carefully decide on his proceeding to baptism.  We will be working to help him know what it exactly means for him personally to know that the Book is true.  And hey hey hey, we got another date set with a man named Sascha!  It is a goal for now but we are meeting with him later today and will continue to help him gain a testimony!  We will see how that goes!

I truly am ecstatic to see the work pay off, though.  I've been exerting a whole lot of energy to this area, and we are getting it back on its feet.  I know that God is watching over us and I hope that I can be continually improving to step aside and let Him guide His work.  I love Bayreuth so much though.  It is OVERFLOWING with awesome prepared people and we're just barely tapping into only a little bit of its potential.

I went on a split this week!  I went to our district leader's area in Grafenwöhr, which includes an American Army base.  The ward there is a decent size due to all the soldiers and their families.  We got to go on base twice for meal appointments and it's one of the greatest feelings to hear AMERICAN accents, whether they be from Utah or New York.  We got to go to the commissary, which is where you go to buy all the American food.  Pop-Tarts, Creme Soda, Starbursts, all that sorts of stuff FLOWING OFF THE SHELVES.  I was actually on the verge of shedding a tear at the sight of it.  But, I withheld on buying anything because you need a military ID to purchase items from there.  Some day...Also, all the Americans here are so darn nice, members or not.  I love it.  But alas, I had to return to Germany at some point--back to the land of Bratwurst and Sauerkraut (not actually a bad thing).

Anywho, I've been reading vigorously through Doctrine and Covenants, and I've finished the sections of about 50 through 84 in the last few weeks.  Boy, there is a lot of interesting doctrine in there.  I would invite you all to carry out your own personal Study of the Doctrine and Covenants (for me preferably accompanied by the church Institute manual and Revelations in Context, which can be found in the church history section in Gospel Library).  I will just share a part of what I read about the Priesthood, explained in D&C 84.  Verses 19 and 20 read as follows:

19 And this greater priesthood administereth the gospel and holdeth the key of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God.
20 Therefore, in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest.

I am grateful for the Priesthood authority that has again been restored to the Earth.  It is truly remarkable that all people, if righteous and faithful, can experience the blessings of the Priesthood and its ordinances.  We have the same power that God used and continues to use to create WORLDS on the Earth today, because he has granted it unto us. Because of the Priesthood, we can receive guidance from His servants the prophets, and other church leaders.  We do not have to live in spiritual darkness or confusion!

President Joseph Fielding Smith said as well: “It is impossible for men to obtain the knowledge or the mysteries of the kingdom or the knowledge of God, without the authority of the Priesthood. Secular learning, the study of the sciences, arts and history, will not reveal these vital truths to man. It is the Holy Priesthood that unlocks the door to heaven and reveals to man the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. It is this Divine Authority which makes known the knowledge of God! Is there any wonder that the world today is groping in gross darkness concerning God and the things of his kingdom? We should also remember that these great truths are not made known even to members of the Church unless they place their lives in harmony with the law on which these blessings are predicated."

I hope that you guys are all having fantastic lives back home. Thanks for the support and I ask you for your help further in praying for our investigators.


Elder Wallentine 

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Hey guys!

This has been a crazy week (or week and a half)!  As I previously specified, I went up to Frankfurt  to pick up my new trainee, Elder Stacy, who has come fresh out of the Provo MTC.  It's been pretty darn good so far!  He comes from Texas and is...well, Texan.  Just...I'll try to explain bits and pieces in the future.  

We've continued to work as closely as we can (without being too close) with our investigators, and so far it seems that Emmanuel is on track to be baptized on the 25th of February.  We went through the baptismal interview questions with him this past week, and then after he met the requirements we set his official interview date for this coming Wednesday!  I am praying that he will be able to decide ultimately to be baptized  in accordance to his own testimony.  He has been coming to church and says that he really enjoys the spirit of it each time, and so I have been really glad to see and hear that.
Bravedo is probably just as promising.  He seems to be taking everything in well, but he says that he is simply nervous about deciding to be baptized without knowing the full details about the gospel and church.  We are going to try and teach him more and more and make sure that he is accepting and acknowledging everything, but I really think he can be ready by the 25th as well!
Zack has been doing really well with just about everything.  He says that he doesn't feel that his testimony is quite strong enough to get him to come to church, and we are really hoping to develop that with him.  We will have to see how things with him go!  It's been hard to get ahold of Markus and meet with him, and I am hoping that things can start running more smoothly with him.  He is busy because he is moving within our area. And lastly, I tried calling Favour the other day, but the phone went straight to a disconnected answer, suggesting that she had blocked our number.  So, naturally, to be sure, I tried calling her on the other phone...and she wasn't too happy about that.  
W H O O P S.
But yeah, she isn't quite fully prepared yet, I don't think.  But I am confident that the missionary who will someday take over for me here will bump into her sometime and she will say "gee, suddenly I have memories of that one weird missionary who spammed my phone with things about baptism and maybe I should hear this surely less weird Elder out."  We will see how it goes.  The Ghost of Bayreuth Past will help (pictured below [not painted by me]).  

We had a Zone Training this past Monday (bunch of missionaries gathering around for four hours to talk about specific topics of the gospel to better ourselves in our work) and my companion and I were assigned to give a lesson on the Reformation in context of the Restoration.  This time of the year, for the year 2017 especially, is very important to protestants all throughout Europe, especially in Germany!  This year marks the 500th anniversary of the hanging of the 95 Theses by Martin Luther in Wittenberg, Germany.  In case anyone is less familiar with this, these 95 Theses were questions that he had about the Catholic Church that were not answered through the Bible (one of the biggest being the sale of indulgences).  These Theses caused a ruckus in Germany and Europe at the time and people decided it was time to change.  Martin Luther is, as a result, widely considered to be the father of the reformation, also resulting from his efforts to publish the Bible in German while hiding in perhaps the most conspicuous place ever--a GIGANTIC castle in Coburg Germany.  We also celebrate a host of other reformers during this time, including William Tyndale and John Wycliffe, who translated the Bible to English (Tyndale dying as a martyr for it), Gutenberg and his invention of the printing press, and many more.  Nobody can deny that the heads of the Reformation were inspired of God to do the things they did, regardless of if their lives were at stake or not.  

As I studied the Reformation in preparation for the lesson, I took note of the unique characteristics of the true church of Christ, the Apostasy, the Reformation, and the Restoration.  The Apostasy, we are taught, was described by the loss of revelation and spiritual guidance to lead people--resulting from the death of Christ and His apostles.  We lost things crucial to having the true church, including but not limited to: revelation, scripture, Priesthood authority and ordinances, and overall prophetic guidance.  These attributes, I observed, give the church of Christ life and light.  I picture the Great Apostasy and its effects on Christianity and the world in general, and it is clear to see that this "life" and "light" was lost (which is why we refer often to this time as the Dark Ages).  Inspired men like the reformers mentioned before noticed that such a light was  lacking.  Martin Luther never claimed revelation.  He never claimed that he was a prophet.  But he recognized the need for the Reformation.  The situation is similar with other prominent reformers.  Over time, through the spreading of information concerning religion, new ideas concerning religious freedom, and so forth, a time was ushered in where people desired to worship as they would like.  This desire, in effect, lead to the birth of our wonderful nation of the United States of America as more and more people saw the ray of hope it provided for freedom of worship (not to mention speech, petition, so forth) and fled there to begin new lives.  Thanks to the Reformation, people could worship according to their hearts and spirits, and religious knowledge became more accessible.  Also, corruptions were at least in some ways noticed and people attempted to stop that.

But where was the light and life that had been so present in every dispensation by God since Adam?

That light broke through in the spring of 1820 when God the Father and Jesus Christ came down to Joseph Smith and commissioned him to RESTORE the truth and gospel, that had been distorted and lost for so many years before.  In the spring ten years later, that church was officially re-established under the name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Every right, every blessing, every privilege, and every essential ordinance that was previously available to the saints of previous times was ultimately restored.  We see that the church had regained the full LIFE and LIGHT through this, and we know that this has always been a part of God's plan, and has been prophesied of for years!  

We love the reformers during that influential time of history preceding the restoration of the gospel.  I feel a great gratitude to them, because of the seeds that they planted and the great steps they took in preserving sacred records.  We know that God had a role for them in their mortal existence that they fulfilled.  As we speak to people in Germany, most of which in Bayreuth being members of Protestant faiths, we invite all to add to the good that they already have...not to attempt to take it away from their lives.  We know that you experience such great blessings from such faith, and we know that there are simply MORE blessings to find in the Restored gospel of Jesus Christ!

Anyways, it's been a good time!  I'll "see you" next Thursday (by that I mean writing an email)!


Elder Wallentine

P.S.: We had a cool adventure today and went to a World War II colosseum and documentation center commemorating the Nuremberg Trials.