Thursday, May 17, 2018



This week's been great! We had 7 people at church. That was awesome. Tony is going to be baptized this weekend! No problems in sight. Please, if you could pray that he makes it, I would be very grateful. 

I'm doing a P-Day tour as I journey throughout all the land once every week through the next three weeks. Today we visited some cool ruins. Pretty cool. Yeah. We want to pay Heidelberg a visit, too!

Okay so get this. A few weeks ago I'm talking to this totally cool dude in the bus. He's very polite and happy and just a great dude. We had an awesome conversation, and I totally would have expected that he would have agreed to give me his number. I mean, of course, right? Then I asked him for his number before he gets out, and he politely decline. I tried to convince him, but he again denied the offer. Bummer. But that's not the point of this story--rather, it is what happened subsequent to this interaction.
He stands up to get out, then as he goes to the door, a foolish man who is boarding gets in his way. For some reason, this guy flips a LID. The polite man I talked to transformed 180° into a banshee-dementor, with a voice that could easily put an M1 Abrams tank out of commission and screamed "FIRST LET US GET OFF, THEN GET IN.

By this point it looks like some fists are going to be thrown. Luckily they're not, and the poor screamee gets passed up by the screamer, who then ran off.

And thus, he was never seen in the land again.

Also hahaha, businesses do NOT want our business here in Germany. I had two experiences last P-day to illustrate this:

*walking into haircutting shop*
"How much for a basic haircut here?"
"50 euros, you peasant."
"Okay. Huh. Do you know where I can find a cheaper one?"
"Yeah just go down the street and take a right. You'll find my competitor. They do theirs for 10 euros."

*walks into sporting clothes shop*
"Hey do you have any good deals here?" (My exact wording in German)
*takes 180 out of sporting clothes shop*

Also, unrelated to aforementioned experiences:

>Sisters trying to buy a train ticket
>ticket machine decides to go on a vacation to Hell, the place, in the middle of their working on it (Not cursing--I  think that's actually where it went)
>old lady behind them has a literal breakdown
>tries to take control of machine from them
>machine still on vacation
>lady probably on verge of exploding
>Sisters ask us what they can do to get their tickets
>"have you tried giving the woman words of affirmation"

Well, that's all folks!

Hope you have a great week!

Elder Wallentine

Here are some pictures included as well. Three of them are my newest near-complete New Testament comic project.

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