Saturday, July 23, 2016

Hello everyone!

It was another hard week, but I think we had some improvements over the one preceding it.  One funny thing is how often the name "Elder Wallentine" gets butchered completely when you're talking with German teachers and missionaries.  For the next two years, I will go by any of the following:

Elder Wallentine
Elder Valentine
Elder Valenteen
Elder Vollenteeen
Elder Walleyworld

At first I tried to correct people but I've accepted my fate.  You know, Elder Vollenteen is actually starting to grow on me.

There have been things that I've found to be easier, and harder, about a mission so far.  Honestly, it hasn't been super hard to be separated from things like TV, video games, movies, blah blah blah.  I'm really glad that I spent the last year reducing the amount of time I spent doing those because I think that's helped me not really care.  Also, I kind of forced myself to because I got super busy with school, but anyways. I do miss movies a bit, though.  On the other hand, while I knew I would be homesick, I didn't really expect it to hit me as hard as it did.  I'm overcoming it but at some points it felt really bad.  And as you probably know, being involved with a district has been a lot harder than I ever expected.

In terms of the language:

German has been coming along.  I haven't felt as much progress as I did through the start, but we've finished going over the cases for German.  (As far as I know, there are four German cases:  Nominative, Accusative, Dative, and Genitive).  I'm not used to them yet but I think I'll gradually be able to get better at using them.

People tell me that they're worried because I'm "always studying" but I don't know, I'm not worried.  It helps me to get over homesickness, and it's kind of fun.

My companion and I taught about the Restoration in German this week and that was really cool.  We were able to understand our "investigator" really well and I didn't have a moment where I forgot what to say completely.  We felt the spirit really well, and that was an encouragement for us.  But we also had another lesson that completely fell apart because there's another "investigator" that talks really fast and uses tons of words completely unfamiliar to us.

I lost my German dictionary, too!  That's a bit frustrating.  I left it in my classroom and I think it must've been taken, or something.  I might have to buy a new one.

But I've been working really hard to memorize more vocabulary words and it's coming along.  I've also memorized D&C 84:88, the First Vision, Moroni 10:6, Alma 7:9, our missionary purpose in German, and have started D&C 4.  

District Stuff

Actually, my companionship has been going pretty fantastic  We get along with each other pretty well, not to mention that I've found a compromise with him so I can get my runs in.  Every day this week we've gone to the gym, and while he plays basketball I'm allowed to run on a track in another room.  I've been running 2-4 miles per day, doing 75-100 push-ups and sit-ups, and then lifting some weights in my free time to exercise.  It's been nice, but also out of necessity because they feed us so much, haha!  The food is...generally good.  I had a pretty bad hamburger the other day though.  But yeah, other than that, I don't mind it at all!  Back on track, my companion and I have found our rhythm I think and as of now, it's going well.

Aside from my companionship improvement, there's been a bit of improvement with the other two Elders in my district.  We were having a lot of problems with them making a lot of noise in the class and disrupting the peace and often times spirit last week, enough to where I had to call a district meeting where we made it clear what the purpose of the classroom was.  They like playing games in the classroom, and each game involves making a lot of noise.  They've been told to stop by multiple teachers, and I by myself feel as though I've completely lost respect from them due to my efforts to end rowdiness in the class.  The district meeting helped for a time because the sisters were saying it was hard for them  to concentrate, and when the sisters get on board that's really the only time they listen.  
Aside from continued airs of contention, this week was greatly improved from last week because of the support I've received.  I'd like to thank everyone in my family for sending me letters with counsel, and sending the package of food to me!  And I thank all my friends so much for the also-supportive letters they've sent me.  I've honestly felt so embraced by you guys this week and I thank you all so much!

I've also received a lot of support here.  I have two teachers, Sister Ahlm and Brother Alliston, who pulled me aside several times this week to see how I was doing.  I let them know of the situation, and there were many times where I felt I was in the wrong, because I felt as though I could have possibly been too "controlling".  But my teachers were consistently there to encourage me and lift me up, and tell me that what I've been doing has been right.  That eased my conscience and burdens a lot, I think.  And my zone leaders have been checking up on me, and I've met another District Leader, Elder Winder, who feels as though he's been in the same situation as I have been.

Most importantly, I've felt the support of heaven lifting me up as I go about each day.  My mission scripture, D&C 84:88, promises angels to be round about me, to bear me up, and I have continued to feel this throughout my days here.  It's enabled me to have motivation and energy each time I wake up, and not be afraid to stand up for myself.

I'm writing an epistle here, I'm sorry.  GOSPEL STUFF.

I've been studying a lot of the Book of Mormon, of course, as well as have begun re-reading the New Testament, and started Jesus the Christ.  I can feel my testimony and love for Christ increasing as I continue through these and it's really wonderful.  I am praying that I will be able to have an ever-increasing love for the Savior and what He has done for all of us, and I hope to be blessed with it.  

By the way, Elder Bednar came last Sunday and had a Q & A session!  It was awesome!  He taught a ton about the charity and pure love of Christ and I felt the spirit so strongly!

I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer, and I have so much faith in His Atonement.  I know that through Jesus Christ and His infinite Atonement, we can be entirely cleansed from sin and become eligible to once more live with Him, Heavenly Father, and those that we love.  I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I love its simplicity, and its simultaneous complexity. I know that you are being watched out for, both by those who love and surround you even if you may occasionally feel otherwise, as well and those watching over you above.

This concludes my novel.  I'll try to shorten these.

I love you all!

Elder Wallentine

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