Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Running Returns

Hey folks!

It's been an outstanding week!  I've been loving the new area and opportunity to serve in my district and it's been, although having required adjustment, a great time.  We've been setting a bit of goals and are working towards those right now.  One goal we are pushing is trying to get five appointments with new people per week.  We've been able to schedule about six for the week so far, and have had one, but now we are hoping to actually have those appointments come through!  We've also set a goal to set a total of six baptismal dates throughout the transfer.  It is a big number for us but I hope to be able to do it.  

We had a baptism this past week!  I had arrived just when he was getting ready for baptism, and so I didn't really participate a whole lot in his teaching process, but it was still cool to see how happy he was and how much faith he has had lately in spite of troubling circumstances.  Now we're going on to the next one.

My new companion is pretty darn cool.  His name is Elder Miller and he comes from Idaho Falls.  We've been getting along pretty well and have been able to work hard along the way and so I hope that continues.  Also, he likes to run (so weird, right?) and so I finally have the chance to do that again.  That is, on the days he doesn't want to do...
I'm sorry you had to see that.  But yeah, he goes home at the same time I hit my year mark in July, so it's fun.  If anything at all, I am happy that I can run again.  

Lately I've been studying a bit more about one of the greatest blessings of the Restoration.  In the Old Testament, we read about the Tabernacle, as well as the construction of Solomon's temple, with mention later also of the temple of Zerubbabel.  We also have the temple of Herod from the New Testament.  We read about the tremendous blessings that they make available to the people of those times, and how happy said people were to receive greater light and knowledge through such means.  I can't help but think that there are Christians in the world who read about these blessings and ask why they aren't available to them, in this time.  
The good news, however, is that they are.  
We have temples of a God all throughout the world in this miraculous time.  God has again spoken to all of us through a Prophet of God just as He did Moses and others, and He has shown His unchanging course by commanding His people to build temples as they were in the past.  
All people have been welcomed to receive the blessings of the temple!  In order to enter in and receive its blessings, though, we must be worthy by living lives dedicated to faith in Christ.  We invite all to follow this path.  All those who have, unto making sacred covenants in the temple, have been blessed with power from God and an abundance of peace and joy in their lives for as long as they remain true and faithful.  I miss the temple, and will have to wait at least a year before being able to enter again because the Frankfurt temple is under renovation, but I am grateful that I had the chance to go through it so much before I came here.  I know without a shadow of the doubt that God is at the head of this work, and that He has shown his love to us through the making available of temple blessings once more on the earth.

Thank you guys for the letters and support!  I love you all and wish you a great week!
Elder Wallentine 

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Thursday, April 20, 2017


Hey folks!

This week has been eventful!  We got transfer calls this past week and I got called to a special place called Kaiserslautern, or K-Town.  It's by a pretty big U.S. Air Force base--Ive heard it's the biggest one in Germany, actually.  I'll be serving as a district leader, too, which I am very excited for!  I am hoping and praying to be able to do a good job at it, and I am very positive about this transfer.  I would like to see a few baptisms during it as possible, and it seems that we've got the potential to do it.  We will be working hard and seeing what happens.

Training was a great experience, though.  I think that there is nothing better to show us our weaknesses and strengths than that, and to have a more realistic view of ourselves as missionaries and as people.   

I would type more but we are at the church right now playing Axis and Allies with a member in the military.  I am freaking out right now.  HELP ME.

In terms of how I left Bayreuth, I am very happy with the work that we did there.  I definitely grew a lot in terms of my attitude and vision of myself as a missionary.  It was no easy time there, but it was truly a wonderful time there.  We never saw any baptisms, although we came very close to having two, but the area grew a lot and we were able to find about 300 potential investigators, as well as gain about 15-20 new investigators.  I would say that a foundation has been built!

I love you guys, though!  Keep up the fort back home for this week!  

Elder Wallentine 

Some investigators we visited before I left.  Don't worry, I have gotten a haircut since the pictures have been taken.  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

>it's a traffic parable

Hey guys!

It has been a good week!  Transfers are this weekend, which should be interesting.  I am saying there is a 50% chance that I am gone, a 30% chance I stick with Elder Stacy, and a DISTINCT 16% for if Elder Stacy leaves, with a lingering 4% that we both leave.  We will see.

This week was normal, though.  I mean, not a whole lot happened that is out of the ordinary. I did get to help with a street display in Erlangen on Saturday and I was able to find 10 potential investigators.  I love street displays because you get to work purely at your own pace and have a bunch of time to find as many people as possible.  I am so DARN grateful that I don't have to take breaks when it comes to contacting until we're done.  That's been one of the greatest blessings so far because I feel that it has enabled me to really enjoy my time here.  In Bavaria specifically, we tend to do a lot of finding, and my time would probably be a little miserable here if I dreaded doing it.

We also got to do a little bit of service on Monday and did some yard work, which was cool.  We had family home evening with our Branch President afterwards and he fed us some delicious barbecued meat.  It had been a while!

One thing I've missed the most on my mission so far is being able to run truly freely.  If I want to run a lot, I can only do it if the companion I have runs a lot.  I often times think back at all the GOOD OL' DAYS to cross country, and track and field, too, in high school and if I had to make a list of things I would miss the most from that time, running would definitely be near to if not at the top.  I can't wait to do it when I return someday, and hey, if any of you want to run a marathon someday, let me know so we can train together when I come back someday.  It is going to happen.  The only prerequisite is a preexisting willingness to do repetitive, long runs with me when the time comes.  You're all invited. 

I was reflecting on some of my notes the other day when I remembered the story of the stripling warriors.  The memorable story of these two-thousand warriors stands today as a powerful example of the rewards of righteousness when we do it willingly and without hesitation, placing our trust fully in the arm of the Lord.  We read in Alma 57:21:  "Yea, and they did obey and observe to perform every command with exactness, yea, and even according to their faith which was given to them."  With their stalwart obedience and loyalty, these warriors went into battle, and came out with not a soul lost!  I think about how great a miracle that is, and see that it was a result of their obedience, and think about then how important it is for all of us to be obedient--especially for us as missionaries, too!  

Notice the lack of fear or doubt that they had!  Notice that they showed, through their actions, that they knew full well not only that their parents believed, and others for that point, but WHY they believed, too.  As missionaries, we must be careful.  Do we find ourselves inversely mumbling: "we do not doubt that our parents or Priesthood leaders sort of asked and wanted us to be out here so that is why I am here" as we mosey out the door? Do we "obey and observe every command" as far as it is comfortable to us and then smudge out the rest?  Or do we know our calling and recognize it as directly from God?  

I have been really trying these past few months to be exactly obedient, and although nobody is perfect, I continue to see the blessings increase as I try to give more and more.  Both with the rules of missionaries for missionaries, and the commandments for us in our daily lives, it is crucial that we strive to obey God with exactness.  We cannot allow ourselves to be convinced that we are exceptions to eternal laws of obedience and virtue.  We can't simply assume that disobedience can be justified on the basis that our hearts were, perhaps, "in the right place".  I am convinced that the metaphorical highway to sin opens up when people begin to think that commandments given to us apply only in certain circumstances (with no doctrinal basis, that is), or that they are justified under self-imagined situations.  God is a constant and unchanging being, who cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.  Thank goodness we have a Savior, who we will be celebrating this weekend, who can purify us--but we have to acknowledge our part, which is constantly striving to be steadfast in keeping every commandment given to us, and continually showing our willingness to follow God.  Because of Him, we can luckily find opportunities to take U-turns when we find ourselves on that previously established highway of sin--on which there are no speed limits, and although the scenery may be nice to some on the way, it leads to a final destination that nobody wants to visit.  Seriously, that place is like the worst.  It's an expensive trip, too.  I definitely would not recommend it.  Two thumbs down.  

Anyways, thanks for humoring me with the good reads.  Love hearing from you guys and I anticipate your emails.  I love you all.

Elder Wallentine 

P.s.: German names:

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Hey guys!

Hey folks,

This has been a good week!  We continue to work hard and find people AS USUAL (I hope at least), and I am grateful to have that.  I will say that since all of our dates have fallen out, it has been hard for me to daily maintain my hope in getting a baptism while I am here in Bayreuth, but I am continuing to ask for said hope in prayer and I am sure that I will be back on my feet all the way soon.

One interesting thing that happened to us this week happened while we were heading to an appointment with a lady we met while going door to door.  We were approaching the step when I suddenly got a bad feeling in my heart, and I felt that I shouldn't ring the bell or knock.  I paused and ask my companion how he felt at the moment, and he said he felt a little unnerved too.  We said a prayer after taking a few steps back and still had a prompting not to knock.  We waited for a few minutes, visited an investigator in the area, and then left.  I don't know what would have happened had we shrugged off the prompting and knocked or rang, but I am glad we had the chance to act on the prompting had there been something that had bad intent there. 
General Conference was awesome!  I really enjoyed Weatherford T Clayton's talk on the Plan of Salvation, as well as President Nelson's talk on the Atonement, Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk, "the Greatest Among You", and Ronald A Rasband's "Let the Spirit Guide".  Also, I obligatorily recognize Elder Holland's talk as being good as always.

I think one of the biggest things I felt from conference is that we need to keep moving forward.  Our positions perhaps all differ on the ladder to exaltation, but regardless of where we are, we need to recognize how much we still have to improve and help others along the way.  I also felt that there was a particular emphasis on the Plan of Salvation, and simply trusting in Christ to continue progressing and becoming more like Him.  I enjoy that throughout conference weekends, we can feel uplifted through the spirit, yet simultaneously better recognize those things we need to improve on and hopefully be prompted to act to accomplish such improvement.

But yeah, those are my thoughts.  I am grateful to have prophets today who lead us and guide us.  Please, recognize that the words we hear from them come to us from God through them!  We will NEVER be lead astray from the Lord when we follow the inspired guidance to us  from God's servants.  TRY ME ON THAT GUARANTEE, I DARE YOU.  The world will try and teach us otherwise, and is actively trying to diminish the importance of prophets, but those who test the words of the prophets will find the tremendous blessings that are located in humility and faith when it comes to following the words of the Lord. 

I love you all and appreciate the support!


Elder Wallentine